Time for some questions to Narumi

Sep 27, 2018 | Inspiration, Interviews

Last but not least… a legend, a motivation for many of us. Narumi shows us age is just a number. She is not an incredible dancer herself, but also a talented and dedicated leader of one of the best crews of Japan: Body Carnival Crew. Female empowerment to the fullest, we would say.

Do you think red bull bcone bgirl cypher is a good thing?why?
I know many bgirls’s dream is to compete in the Redbull bcone world final (like Ayumi). I think this is good for the future! When I started dancing, I couldn’t imagine that there would be a bgirl cypher at the world final. Nowadays, there are so many good bgirls around the world and we have a good community in each country. We just have to keep up  and then we can change anything.

How do you prepare and is it any different than you normally do?
Of course I prepare different for a big competition. My biggest part is a how to control myself mentally and I talk to myself a lot.

What advice would you give to the bgirls looking up to you.
Dancing is one of the ways to of improve yourself as a person. We often become stronger through overcoming new challenge thing in life. Just keep challenging yourself and you will be proud of yourself through bgirl life.

— BGIRLSESSIONS WHISHES GOOD LUCK TO EVERYONE — and thank you for answering our questions <3