Practise abroad

Oct 20, 2015 | #GiveaGirlaBreak, Training

Last weekend I was in Paris, just a little city trip with some girlfriends. Not for a jam or anything, my friends don’t even break. But I wanted to go practice somewhere, so I connected some breakers from Paris to check for training spots and went to train there. Besides an inspiring session in a fresh environment it makes you meet new people, talk with them about the city, the local scene, their way of life, etc. You might learn a thing or two about the city or get some great tips to do or see. I always liked it, it can be a little scary to walk into a strange training room, but people are always kind and for them it’s also nice to have somebody new around. I’ve trained in Lisbon, Porto, London, Leeds, Paris, Rome and maybe more and really recommend it! Even if you’re with family or friends that don’t break, they can be without you for 2 hours for sure šŸ˜‰

So how do you find a spot? Internet of course. Facebook is great, just search your friendliest for someone in that city or ask someone you think might know someone in another city. Or check the training spots section on the bboyworld forum.

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