Where to stay #bgirlsessionsbattle

May 4, 2019 | Jams


Excited and ready to book for the one and only bgirlsessions 1vs1 battle?!

We got you some information together where to stay:

Previous years a lot of bgirls stayed at our places in Rotterdam, however with the relatively high travel costs from Rotterdam-The Hague we decided to stay at least the night 29-30june @the Hague ourselves. So join us @the golden stork hostel (yellow).

Or the other 3 hostels (indicated in Red)

  • Stay okay hostel the hague
  • hostel the hague
  • King Cool Hostel

The battle venue and the location for the afterparty are on walking distance from pretty much all hostels.

Train stations:

  • Den Haag Centraal
  • Den Haag HS

(Den Haag Centraal is a little closer (10 min walking to battle venue) then Den Haag HS (15-20min walking))

If you have any questions, feel free to contact us through facebook, instagram or personal messages šŸ˜‰

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